Admission Helpline

Sharing knowledge & Expertise with Teaching Community


Ms. Arushi, Academic Coordinator, CIS was invited as resource person by the Education Department’s SSA to conduct a workshop for the primary teachers and share her expertise on the topics; Early Numeracy – strategies to improve early numeracy and Reading with comprehension – ways and means of improvement.
The workshop was attended by 25 teachers from various Government Schools. Ms. Arushi shared various strategies which we successfuly practice in our school keeping in mind the resources available at Government level.
Concepts like giving learning clues to children, using simple form of Abacus as a rope and beads to teach ones and tens to Grade 1 and 2 students were shared with the teachers.
In comprehension, the concept of making a concept map for any chapter to make it more interesting and retainable for the students was also shared using lots of hands on activities
