Knowledge Walkways
Knowledge Walkways-The journey into the hallways and walkways at Chitkara School is full of knowledge and quest. One would find learning outcomes coming out from all the corridors, walkways, learning studios and classrooms. A mere walk into any corridor is very enriching and enlightening as well as engaging and that is what makes the academic tour a mandate as a part of the process of knowing about the school. The knowledge walkways have an underlying philosophy behind its design and the conception. To study the philosophy it is important to analyze it from two angles:
Learning Walkways at the Junior School-These walkways have been designed keeping in mind the various levels of learning at the junior school i.e. chicklets, nestling, fledgling and cygnets. The ground floor is called the Jungle Safari, so the walkways have been designed keeping in mind the jungle world with the next to real experience and the 3D visuals on the walls enabling a child to begin his imagination. The first floor takes the child to the underwater world to experience the plant life and the animal life under the sea and getting in touch with mermaids, octopuses, scuba-divers, sharks, whales etc. which otherwise he misses out due to lack of water bodies in the northern part of India. The third floor which is the “M floor” has Magic, Men and Material as the theme of the floor, thus the hallways exhibit the same.
Learning Walkways at the Senior School-These walkways have been designed with extensive research that has undergone in designing the school’s curriculum. These walkways actually showcase the school curriculum and the display process is floor wise where the ground floor showcases the Chitkara Philosophy “Explore Your potential” .The first floor covers the theme “Great artists and their Work” and the second floor is the Technology floor and the floor of Innovation and Research .The third floor marks the floor for various professions and the research output in various fields including the industry connect truly meant for senior secondary students. Also the “W” floor engages the students with wisdom marking the location of the Knowledge Nook and Readology Lab (Library and The Reading Room) on that very floor.
Thus the Walkways and hallways at Chitkara School are enriching, exciting and engaging.